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中文名称( Chinese)→ 朝阳会鸟
其它中文名称( Chinese[OTHER])→ ?
拉丁文学名( Name)→ Sapeornis chaoyangensis
发音( Pronounced)→ ?
含义( Meaning)→ 会鸟一名是从拉丁属名Sapeornis翻译而来的,源自国际古鸟类协会的缩写“SAPE”, 以纪念第5届国际古鸟类会议2000年在中国的成功召开。
纲( Class )→ Aves 鸟纲
亚纲(Subclass)→ Sauriurae 蜥鸟亚纲
目( Order)→   ?
科( Family)→ ?
属( Genus)→ Sapeornis会鸟属 
模式种( TYPE SPECIES)→ S. chaoyangensis 朝阳会鸟
其它种( OTHER SPECIES)→ ...
时代( Period)→ 早白垩世
分布( Found in)→ 中国辽宁
发现地层( Stratum)→ 辽宁省朝阳的九佛堂组湖相沉积地层
食性( Diet)→ 草食
典型体长( Length)→ ?
推测体重( Mass)→ ?
发现者( Discoverer)→  ? 

命名者( First described  )→

周忠和 Zhonghe Zhou

简介(Brief Introduction)



[B]<Anatomy of the primitive bird Sapeornis chaoyangensis from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning, China>

Zhonghe Zhou and Fucheng Zhang Can. J. Earth Sci./Rev. Can. Sci. Terre 40(5): 731-747 (2003) 

Abstract: Two new, nearly completely articulated skeletons of Sapeornis chaoyangensis provide much new information about the anatomy of this basal avian, particularly in the skull, pectoral girdle, forelimb, and hind limb. This new material shows that the hand of Sapeornis, with a phalangeal formula of "2–3–2," was more derived than previously reconstructed. The skeleton of Sapeornis has several unique features, such as a distinctively elongated fenestra on the proximal end of the humerus, a robust furcula with a distinctive hypocleidum, and an elongated forelimb. Sapeornis exhibits a combination of derived and primitive features, including a short, robust non-strut-like coracoid and a fibula reaching the distal end of the tarsal joint (as in Archaeopteryx), a pygostyle, reduced manual digits, and a well-fused carpometacarpus (as in more advanced birds). These features further indicate the mosaic pattern in the early evolution of birds and confirm the basal position of Sapeornis near Archaeopteryx and Jeholornic in the phylogeny of early birds. The preservation of gastroliths in one of the new specimens also represents the first Chinese Mesozoic bird with such evidence, indicating a herbivorous feeding habit and providing further evidence for our understanding of the diet diversification in early avian evolution.

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