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中文名称( Chinese)→ 克氏龙
其它中文名称( Chinese[OTHER])→ ...
拉丁文学名( Name)→ Crichtonsaurus
发音( Pronounced)→ ... 
含义( Meaning)→ 属名克氏龙是献给著名的科幻作家、电影《侏罗纪公园》的作者迈克尔·克赖顿;种名步氏是献给为中国古脊椎动物学研究作出重大贡献的瑞典古生物学家步林
目( Order )→ Ornithischia 鸟臀目
亚目( Suborder)→ Genasauria 颌齿类
 Thyreophora 覆盾甲龙亚目
类( Infraorder)→   Thyreophoroidea 覆盾甲龙形类
   Eurypoda 扁脚类
Ankylosauria 甲龙类
科(Family)→     科未定
属( Genus)→ Cedarpelta 克氏龙
模式种( TYPE SPECIES)→ C. bohlini 步氏克氏龙
其它种( OTHER SPECIES)→ ...
时代( Period)→ 白垩纪晚期??
分布( Found in)→ 中国辽宁北票市下府乡双庙村
发现地层( Stratum)→ 孙家湾组地层
食性( Diet)→ 植食
典型状态( Length up to)→ 长3米
推测体重( Mass)→ ...
发现者( Discoverer)→ IVPP

命名者( First described  )→

Dong, 2002

简介(Brief Introduction)



步氏克氏龙的发现地点为辽宁北票市下府乡双庙村孙家湾组(Wang et al.,1989) 

[B]英文版:The generic name is dedicated to Mr. Michael Crichton, author of the book "Jurassic Park". Dinosaurs became one of the most popular scientific subject due to this book. The specific name is dedicated to Dr. B. Bohlin, a well-known Swedish collector of vertebrate fossil including several ankylosaurs along the Silk Road, Northwestern China. 

The specimens came from the Sunjiawan Formation of Beipiao Basin, Liaoning Province, northeastern China. The newly found ankylosaur fossil supports the Late Cretaceous age of this unit (Cenomanian-Turonian). The materials contain a fragment of left mandible bearing three teeth (IVPP V 12745); two cervical vertebrae, a complete dorsal (IVPP V12746); four sacral and caudal vertbrae, complete scapula, coracoid, humerus, and femur, as well as various plates and scutes of dermal armor (LPM 101). LPM is the abbreviation of the Paleontology Museum of Liaoning. 

Crichtonsaurus is a medium-sized ankylosaur, 3 meters in length on the basis length of vertebrae. The mandible is thin and without outer surface ornamentation. The teeth are small, and typically ankylosaurid in shape. The crown of each tooth is symmetrical with 4 or 5 marginal denticles. The cingulum is strong on the base of crown. Small ridges are found on flatter side of the crown. The centra of cervical vertebrae are short and amphicoelous. The cnetra of dorsal vertebrae are amphiplatyan, with upward-pointing diapophyses. The centra of anterior caudal vertebrae are broad and comparatively short with long transverse precesses. the scapula and coracoid are not fused together as a scapulocoracoid. Dermal plates,scutes, and spikes vary in size and form.

IVPP V12745: Partial dentary w/ teeth Hypodigm APK:5/5: IVPP V12746-2 dorsal vertebra and LPM 101-1–4 postcrania, in addition to holotype specimen .下图为左下颌骨化石

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