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中文名称( Chinese )→ 栅齿龙=凹齿龙(Rhabdodon)
其它中文名称( Chinese[OTHER] )→ ...
拉丁文学名( Name )→ Mochlodon
发音( Pronounced )→ MOK-lo-don
含义( Meaning )→ 有木栅的, 隔绝的牙齿

目( Order )→ Ornithischia 鸟臀目
亚目( Suborder )→ Genasauria 颌齿类
 Cerapoda 角足龙类
  Ornithopoda 鸟脚亚目
类(Infraorder)→ Euornithopoda 真鸟脚类
Iguanodontia 禽龙类
属( Genus )→ Mochlodon 栅齿龙
模式种( TYPE SPECIES )→ M. suessi =R. robustus= R. priscus
其它种( OTHER SPECIES )→ M. robustus=R. robustus= R. priscus

时代( Period )→ 白垩纪晚期 Campanian to Maastrichtian
分布( Found in )→ M. suessi 奥地利
M. robustus 罗马尼亚
发现地层( Stratum )→ ...

食性( Diet )→ 杂食
典型状态( Length up to )→ 长4.5米
推测体重( Mass )→ ...

发现者( Discoverer )→ Seeley 1881

命名者( First described )→

Seeley 1881 /  Nopcsa 1902

简介(Brief Introduction)

[A]凹齿龙 (Matheron,1869) = 栅齿龙(M. suessi) (Bunzel, 1871 / Seeley,1881) 凹齿龙 > R.priscus (Matheron,1869) >> 禽龙 (I. suessi) (Bunzel,1871)寡头龙 (O. adelus) (Seeley,1881) 鸟骨龙(O. gracilis) (Seeley,1881) 栅齿龙(M. robustus) (Nopcsa,1900) 慢行龙(O. hungaricus) (Nopcsa,1902) 弯龙(C. inkeyi) (Nopcsa,1900) 凹齿龙 > R.septimanicus (Buffetaut & Le Loeuff,1991)

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