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中文名称( Chinese)→ 双庙龙
其它中文名称( Chinese[OTHER])→ ...
拉丁文学名( Name)→ Shuangmiaosaurus
发音( Pronounced)→ San-mi-SAWR-us
含义( Meaning)→ 中国辽宁北票市下府乡双庙
目( Order )→ Ornithischia 鸟臀目
亚目( Suborder )→ Genasauria 颌齿类
 Cerapoda 角足龙类
  Ornithopoda 鸟脚亚目
类(Infraorder)→ Euornithopoda 真鸟脚类
Iguanodontia 禽龙类
Euiguanodontia 真禽龙类
Dryomorpha 橡树龙类
  Ankylopollexia 直拇指龙类
   Styracosterna 硬棘龙类
超科(Super Family)→ Iguanodontoidea 禽龙超科
Hadrosauroidea 鸭嘴龙超科
科( Family )→ Hadrosauridae 鸭嘴龙科=真鸭嘴龙类
Euhadrosauria 真鸭嘴龙类=鸭嘴龙科
属( Genus)→ Shuangmiaosaurus 双庙龙
模式种( TYPE SPECIES)→ S. gilmorei
其它种( OTHER SPECIES)→ ...
时代( Period)→ 白垩纪晚期?
分布( Found in)→ 中国辽宁北票市下府乡双庙村
发现地层( Stratum)→ 孙家湾组地层
食性( Diet)→ 植食
典型状态( Length up to)→ ...
推测体重( Mass)→ ...
发现者( Discoverer)→ IVPP 

命名者( First described  )→

You, Ji Q., Li JL & Li YX, 2003

简介(Brief Introduction)

[A]英文版:A new hadrosauroid dinosaur, Shuangmiaosaurus gilmorei gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a complete left maxilla with articulated premaxilla and lacrimal fragments, and a complete left dentary from the mid-Cretaceous Sunjiawan Formation of Beipiao City, Liaoning Province, northeast China. Cladistic analysis shows that Shuangmiaosaurus is a basal hadrosauroid, and comprises the sister taxon to Hadrosauridae. In both Shuangmiaosaurus and Hadrosauridae, the maxilla-jugal suture is butt-jointed, rather than finger-in-recess articulation as in other basal hadrosauroids. However, Shuangmiaosaurus does not possess such hadrosaurid synapomorphies as the diamond-shaped maxillary crowns with reduced primary ridges and reduced marginal denticles.

You, H.-L., Q. Ji, J.-L. Li, and Y.-X. Li. 2003. A new hadrosauroid dinosaur from the mid-Cretaceous of Liaoning Province, P. R. China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 77(2): 148-154.

IVPP V12745: Partial dentary w/ teeth Hypodigm APK:5/5: IVPP V12746-2 dorsal vertebra and LPM 101-1–4 postcrania, in addition to holotype specimen 

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